Life Insurance

Credit Life Insurance

We offer credit life and accident and health insurance through a number of "A" rated insurance companies.

Some facts are worth considering:

  1. Most Americans need a steady income and are within 90 days of bankruptcy without it.
  2. Most people do not have sufficient insurance to cover death, illness or disaster.
  3. Most people consider credit insurance favorably when it is offered to them.
  4. Most people have difficulty making a single large payment for insurance but can afford it on a weekly, biweekly or monthly basis.
  5. Rates have been reduced significantly over the years for this coverage making this valuable protection even more affordable.
  6. The convenience of financing these premiums in the retail installment contract provides coverage that would not otherwise exist in most cases.
  7. Many customers have been thankful that they were offered this coverage by your Dealership.
  8. Which of your customers would you rather hear from if a spouse dies? The one that bought the insurance or the one that did not?

Call us anytime for a credit life program you will be proud to offer your customers.